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Messenger for Facebook for Windows 8: How to Troubleshoot Common Issues with the Desktop App


If you are not on Facebook then you are missing a lot. At times you just want t access the chat service without necessarily going to the main application. Just the same way you receive a text message is the same way you can chat using Facebook messenger. As long as you are connected to the internet, you will have a real-time conversation with your friends.

On a desktop, however, all the media products available for sharing on Facebook Messenger run more smoothly. Facebook Messenger is an excellent messenger app for the simple reason that everyone is on it!

messenger for facebook for windows 8

Yes. Messenger for Windows should be welcomed by anyone using a PC that runs Windows software. Grandparents immediately spring to mind. Older generations often use PC desktops. If not for Messenger on Windows, this population would likely not be able to use the product at all, because they may not have a mobile device to download the app. The product is ideal for anyone who uses their PC throughout the day and finds themselves constantly picking up their phone to communicate. Many might fit that description but work in an office where downloading a messenger app would not be tolerated. These people will have to keep Messenger on their mobile device or their home computer.

Above the search bar, members can generate a new message by clicking on the pencil and paper icon. The settings section is in the upper left corner of the user interface. Adjacent to the left panel is the current conversation window. To toggle between messages, you just simply click on a different discussion within the list on the left. The name of the active messenger will be displayed in the upper portion of the screen.

Off late, Facebook entered into the realm of Windows 8.1 and it is one of the most used applications for messaging nowadays. The chat function is integrated into the Facebook main window which is used to read and post updates. Facebook can be installed as free whereas one might see a Facebook messenger app as a paid version which may not be a requirement for the normal user.

Line app is also one of the new entrants to windows 8 OS app community. The Line app is also offering voice chat and messaging functions. In addition to that, it can be used to post the status updates and many more.

  • The official Facebook client for Windows, this might be a useful tool for accessing your Facebook account from a Windows desktop without having to login the the Facebook web site.Note that this version is the Microsoft Store app from Windows which may or may not be what you're looking for, although it is the official app from Meta.Facebook for Windows includes many of the same features users should expect while using the web site or Android applications including access to messaging, participation in Facebook groups, following friends and discussions along with support for watching Facebook videos.As with the Facebook web site, this Facebook client also provides for notifications of comments, friends' actions and responses to your posts.Overall, Facebook for Windows is an alternative way to use Facebook without messing around with browser windows.This application is available from the Windows Store.Features of FacebookIntegrates with Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

  • Events: Keep up with events near you.

  • Friends: Create and manage friend lists.

  • Games: Play online games with friends.

  • Groups: Create and join groups.

  • Marketplace: Buy and sell items.

  • Messaging: Instant messaging with friends and family.

  • News Feed: See the latest news, events and photos shared by your friends.

  • Notifications: Stay up to date on what%u2019s happening.

  • Pages: Discover and follow pages.

  • Photos: Share and view photos.

  • Reactions: Interact with posts using reactions.

  • Stories: Share your day with stories.

  • Video Chat: Group video calls and one-on-one video calls.

  • Videos: Upload and watch videos.

Compatibility and LicenseFacebook is a freeware, but ad-supported application available on Windows from instant messaging software. You may encounter different types of ads or offers when running and installing this program. Though ads might be present, download and installation of this PC software is free and 2022.1209.5.0 is the latest version last time we checked.

  • Para el caso de Windows perder el soporte para w8\/8.1 (o cualquiera de las \"4 apps\" que tenemos) no es invitar a pasar a w10... no, aunque alg\u00fan caso habr\u00e1... es el empujoncito, otro m\u00e1s, que nos falta para abandonar esta plataforma.","content":"Para el caso de Windows perder el soporte para w8\/8.1 (o cualquiera de las \"4 apps\" que tenemos) no es invitar a pasar a w10... no, aunque alg\u00fan caso habr\u00e1... es el empujoncito, otro m\u00e1s, que nos falta para abandonar esta plataforma.","karma":"45.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"2","comment_level":2,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"18188","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"coquik","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"11379","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":1,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/aec42a0b09b4f18d15b71dfbac1b584e"},"id":"107254","post_id":"121070","date":1490732781,"content_filtered":"Totalmente de acuerdo, esto es una total desgracia, la serie x20 sigue vigente, y dudo mucho que nadie de el salto a otro Lumia. Una pena.","content":"Totalmente de acuerdo, esto es una total desgracia, la serie x20 sigue vigente, y dudo mucho que nadie de el salto a otro Lumia. Una pena.","karma":"25.00","parent":"107245","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"1","comment_level":2,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"1","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"14753","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"chali","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"786616","facebook_uid":"1008107542","user_status":"active","index":2,"avatar_type":"facebook","avatar_link":"\/\/\/1008107542\/picture","id":"107258","post_id":"121070","date":1490769657,"content_filtered":"eso deberia haber ocurrido hace meses, hay que actualizar todas las aplicaciones a windows 10, no podemos tener en windows 10 aplicaciones con apis de windows 8","content":"eso deberia haber ocurrido hace meses, hay que actualizar todas las aplicaciones a windows 10, no podemos tener en windows 10 aplicaciones con apis de windows 8","karma":"10.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"9465","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"luismg","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"79657","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":4,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/1481512a19a0095274db12c6a7f8f764","id":"107264","post_id":"121070","date":1490820378,"content_filtered":"Una duda: Que estas apps dejen de recibir soporte t\u00e9cnico \u00bfSignifica que dejar\u00e1n de funcional? \u00bfO s\u00f3lo es que ya no les van a arreglar los glitches que vayan surgiendo?","content":"Una duda: Que estas apps dejen de recibir soporte t\u00e9cnico \u00bfSignifica que dejar\u00e1n de funcional? \u00bfO s\u00f3lo es que ya no les van a arreglar los glitches que vayan surgiendo?","karma":"8.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"17798","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"psicomartintj","karma_level":"27.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"943303","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":5,"avatar_type":"wsl","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/mini\/943303_1.png","id":"107269","post_id":"121070","date":1490891249,"content_filtered":"Dejar\u00e1n de funcionar, al menos en mi caso messenger murio :'v ayer en la tarde dej\u00f3 de funcionar ya no mandaba ning\u00fan mensaje :c","content":"Dejar\u00e1n de funcionar, al menos en mi caso messenger murio :'v ayer en la tarde dej\u00f3 de funcionar ya no mandaba ning\u00fan mensaje :c","karma":"5.00","parent":"107264","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"1","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"22781","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"usagi_chan","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1168026","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":6,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/5716c9fbcc3066dbafddcac57d2ec8c6","id":"107277","post_id":"121070","date":1491053597,"content_filtered":"Esto no es sorpresa para nada porque el fecebook y el messenger del W y WP 8 y 8.1 era peor que la version web, no se pod\u00edan ni realizar llamadas, eran horribles asi que no se ha perdido nada","content":"Esto no es sorpresa para nada porque el fecebook y el messenger del W y WP 8 y 8.1 era peor que la version web, no se pod\u00edan ni realizar llamadas, eran horribles asi que no se ha perdido nada","karma":"5.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"0","comment_level":3,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"22786","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"felinoaudi","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"1168295","facebook_uid":"1827434330915413","user_status":"active","index":7,"avatar_type":"facebook","avatar_link":"\/\/\/1827434330915413\/picture","id":"107257","post_id":"121070","date":1490765897,"content_filtered":"\u00bfY cual es la raz\u00f3n de peso? \u00bfQu\u00e9 a estos sistemas ya no se podr\u00e1n agregar nuevas tonter\u00edas que minan el rendimiento ?\nUn ejemplo m\u00e1s que les importa poco optimizar ,a seguir despilfarrando recursos de terminales modernos, la app de FB nunca fue del todo fina y lejos de tener todas las caracter\u00edsticas de android\/ios.\nIgual si tienes un WP con 1gb de ram puedes probar ponerle windows 10 en su \u00faltima versi\u00f3n , con el parcheo del registro,he visto v\u00eddeos en donde un 820 no se mueve nada mal con redstone.\nYo sigo con una versi\u00f3n vieja tanto en ios como en android, cada vez le meten cosas in\u00fatiles que s\u00f3lo la hace lenta y devoradora de recursos, mientras sean \u00fatiles no veo caso actualizar.\n","content":"\u00bfY cual es la raz\u00f3n de peso? \u00bfQu\u00e9 a estos sistemas ya no se podr\u00e1n agregar nuevas tonter\u00edas que minan el rendimiento ?\nUn ejemplo m\u00e1s que les importa poco optimizar ,a seguir despilfarrando recursos de terminales modernos, la app de FB nunca fue del todo fina y lejos de tener todas las caracter\u00edsticas de android\/ios.\nIgual si tienes un WP con 1gb de ram puedes probar ponerle windows 10 en su \u00faltima versi\u00f3n , con el parcheo del registro,he visto v\u00eddeos en donde un 820 no se mueve nada mal con redstone.\nYo sigo con una versi\u00f3n vieja tanto en ios como en android, cada vez le meten cosas in\u00fatiles que s\u00f3lo la hace lenta y devoradora de recursos, mientras sean \u00fatiles no veo caso actualizar.\n","karma":"-2.00","parent":"0","comment_edited_date":"","vote_count":"1","comment_level":5,"comment_deleted_date":"","tree_level":"0","comment_approved":"1","comment_author":"","user_id":"9569","author":"","webpage":"","user_name":"chandlerbing","karma_level":"22.00","iseditor":"0","global_id":"409542","facebook_uid":null,"user_status":"active","index":3,"avatar_type":"gravatar","avatar_link":"\/\/\/avatar\/584a51c48aed5a670fa7fbe6c4b978be"],"meta":"more_records":"false","start":0,"total":7,"order":"valued","totalCount":7,"commentStatus":"closed"}; AML.Comments.config.postId = 121070; AML.Comments.config.enableSocialShare = "0"; AML.Comments.config.status = "closed"; AML.Comments.config.campaignDate = "08_Feb_2023"; AML.Comments.config.enableImageUploading = "0"; googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display("div-gpt-cen2"); ); googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display("div-gpt-bot2"); ); Temas de interés Mejores antivirus Windows 10 Atajos del teclado Licencia Windows 10 Descargar Windows 11 Media Creation Tool Windows Terminal Office 2021 Qué tarjeta gráfica tengo Fórmulas Excel DirectX Fondos Windows WhatsApp para ordenador Descargar iTunes Precio OneDrive Nuevos Surface window.WSLModules = window.WSLModules ; WSLModules.Footer = 'moduleConf' : 'c1'; Síguenos Twitter

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